Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español
Generos: AU

Otros resultados: 742 Series


Rescátame por MyErotic

No menores de 18 años; Reviews23

Dentro de un antro en una noche que parecía cualquiera, Changmin conoció a Jaejoong, un joven intrigante y extraño que parece vivir en un mundo que solo existe dentro de su cabeza. Decidido a protegerlo, lo hace parte de su vida sin pensar en consecuencias, alterando no solo la vida de él, sino la propia y de todas las personas que lo rodean


Pasión, engaños, dolor, alegría y tristeza, pero es el amor aquel que finalmente los hará libres




Pareja principal: Soulfighters (Changmin x Jaejoong, MinJae)


Otras: YooSu, MinSu, SuJae, HoMin

Venia por zion no bara

No menores de 18 años; Reviews5

La relación de Aldebarán y Camus está en un punto complicado, lo cual los hace pensar en lo que tienen y lo que puede venir en sus vidas, se aman pero hay asuntos que deben enfrentar y al hacerlo puede que lo que los une sea puesto a prueba, deberán afrontar lo que venga haciendo una venia para saludar o para despedirse.

Fic dedicado a Serenataurus6.


Contract with the Devil por Dra-chan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Deku encuentra un libro y hace un conjuro para convocar un demonio para que sea su amigo, las cosas no salen como lo esperaba y ahora en lugar de un amigo tiene un novio demonio ultra sexy y ultra enojón.

O esa la idea, la realidad es que Izuku encuentra un libro que le da curiosidad y como al gato, ahora tiene un contrato con un demonio que insiste en que le dé de su energía porque todo es un cliché en esta vida.




Boku no Hero Academia

"ESO" por yuhakira

Todos los publicos; Reviews1

Cuando Naruto conoció a Sasuke sabía de antemano que era un chico extraño, diferente a los demás. Podría decir incluso que eso fue lo que lo atrajó de él, ¿no dicen acaso que los polos opuestos se atraen? Sasuke lo ignoraba, se esforzaba mucho de hecho en hacerlo, no quería saber nada de él y en ocasiones al rubio le parecía que tenía maneras muy agresivas de hacérselo saber. Y cualquiera se hubiera hecho a un lado, pero no Naruto, no él, no después de ver la forma en la que Sasuke lo miraba, no después de saber que Sasuke sufre. No, él no podría alejarse de la forma en que todo el mundo lo había hecho. No podía dejarlo solo con "eso".

Especial halloween 2022, se que la historia no da mucho miedo pero espero sea de su agrado.

Declaimer: Los personajes pertences a Masashi Kikishimoro creador de la obra Naruto, la historia es completamente original de mi autoria, por lo que no se permite su reproducción.

Obra sin animo de lucro Todos los derechos reservados

La bruja de Akatsuki. por KureijiKamo

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Inspirado en la película "El proyecto de la bruja de Blair".

Naruto, Sasuke y Shikamaru deciden entrar al bosque de Akatsuki para averiguar la verdad tras tanto misterio. ¿La bruja de Akatsuki será real?

One shot / Sasunarusasu.

AU, suspenso, Halloween.

Más te vale quedarte por Midori no me

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0


Esta historia pertenece a BOKU NO HERO ACADEMY//MY HERO ACADEMY

Este es un AU muy similar al universo de la serie, las similitudes son muchas, tengan cuidado de no confundirse con la trama real de la serie.

Aizawa, Yagi y Hizashi se conocen en la secundaria, es una época de transición poco agradable para algunos, especialmente para Shouta, quien no la ha pasado nada bien. Él está en busca de su camino, ¿Realmente se merecía ser un héroe o será que deberá conformarse con una vida común?


Ereaser Head

Present Mic

All Might

Otros personajes de mi invención.

Maldito lobo por PinkuBurakku

No menores de 18 años; Reviews8

Fenrir no es como todos creen que es, mucho menos como Harry un simple mago cree que es; peor o igual, deberá descubrirlo por su propia mano, tomando a su vez la de su carcelero. El lobo cometerá crímenes a su propia naturaleza, para poder obtener su nueva presa. Sin embargo, nada lo ha preparado para el orgulloso cachorro, mismo que no baja la cabeza ante Voldemort, mucho lo hará ante él; es una lección que tendrá que aprender en contra de sus instintos. Cree poder doblegarlo, gobernarlo y dominarlo; hasta que Harry, le escupe en el rostro.

A veces para ver la luz, se debe inundarse en oscuridad. Un futuro espera por ambos, solo si el lobo y el león; pueden fundirse para tomarlo.

Pareja principal: Fenrir Grayback/ Harry Potter
Pareja secundaria: Draco/ Personaje original

Omegaverse no tradicional, manadas; violencia, sangre y locura. Eventual Mpreg.

El viento me guio a ti por Roxanne222

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1

Noche infinita llena de negras esperanzas que se esfuman con repetidos suspiros exhalados de una mente deplorada por el sufrimiento. En un universo alterno donde los omegas están en la cima de la jerarquía y los alfas son esclavos de ellos. Hizashi Yamada es un alfa lleno de traumas pasados y solo quiere un poco de paz, mientras Aizawa Shouta es un omega quien está en desacuerdo con la esclavitud, cuando sus mundos chocan se encontraran respuestas a preguntas ya olvidadas.


Aizawa Shouta x Hizashi Yamada

Tras los versos de una canción (One-Shots) [Dr. Stone - Senku x Chrome] por SonAzumiSama

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0


Colocadas en cada nota de los capítulos.


Serie de One-Shot de la pareja conformada por Senku y Chrome, inspirados en canciones (NO son Songfics).


Dr. Stone


Riichiro Inagaki (autor)

Boichi (ilustrador)


Azumi Dicielexviai



Senku Ishigami


Gen Asagiri




Taiju Oki

Tsukasa Shishio

Yuzuriha Ogawa


Senku x Chrome


One-Shots (actualizaciones indefinidas)


BL/Boys Love (Yaoi)



Under the water por Dra-chan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Katsuki e Izuku se conocen desde hace años. Son de pueblos vecinos, si a pueblos vecinos nos referimos a que Katsuki pertenece a una tribu de criaturas marinas que viven al fondo de un lago y que está aferrado en cortejar a Izuku y mostrarle la doble ventaja de estar con un tritón tiburón.


Boku no Hero Academia

Los ojos que te miran por Merida Gafigan

No menores de 18 años; Reviews5

Trafalgar D. Water Law; trabaja en un hospital peculiar, usualmente por las noches. Su actitud fría y seria oculta un pasado trágico y una libido insaciable por hombres mayores a él.

Pero su vida cambia radicalmente cuando un pelirrojo, herido y lleno de sangre, llega al hospital donde trabaja.

Eustass Kid, es un chico rebelde y testarudo. Sus personalidades chocan entre si, siendo lo único que les une: el death metal y sus deseos sexuales...algo cuestionables.

Sin embargo, entre más se acerca al pelirrojo, algo se acerca aun más a Law... El insomnio le empieza a consumir, al punto de no saber si realmente algo le esta persiguiendo o solamente es su mente fragmentada jugándole una mala broma.

Un hombre apuñalado, unas vidas que les conecta el hilo trágico de la vida, y unos ojos brillantes...

Dime...¿realmente, existen las coincidencias?


Todos los publicos; Reviews0

El deseo de un niño para jugar también es uno de los requisitos para ser un buen adulto.


Kouen x Solomon

How to marry your dragon por Dra-chan

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Hiccup ha tenido en cuenta toda su vida que, llegado el momento, debía desposar a Toothless para terminar con la animadversión de sus pueblos. Qué conlleva la noche de bodas es lo que a penas va a descubrir.

Toothless x Hiccup

How to Train Your Dragon

#OMF2022   #monsterlover   #ilitiaforever

Mañana por endora

No menores de 13 años; Reviews2
Resumen: Sus ojos azules observaban el paisaje a través de la ventana. Usualmente disfrutaba los viajes en tren.

Saint Seiya


Universo Alterno


Kinktober Multifandom 2022 por PinkuBurakku

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Sexo, avaricia, egoísmo, celos y perversión; todo en el mismo intento delirante e idílico de trama con nuestros finales felices preferidos.


#kinktoberm2022 #afangirlshipper #multifandom2022 #kinky

Yerro por zion no bara

No menores de 18 años; Reviews4

Shaka de Virgo atraviesa momentos complejos, pensaba que su vida era perfecta, pero la distancia y la soledad lo llevan al lado de otra persona, descubriendo que se pueden cometer faltas por equivocación o descuido, por soledad o por algo mas ¿Qué tan responsable será de sus yerros?


Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 por weetdent3

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1

nd the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and hpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out tpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a cour


crypto mining

Stilinski Addams por minima

Todos los publicos; Reviews30

Los funerales siempre son una ocasión memorable, donde se reúne toda la familia para despedir una familiar o amigo, y conociendo a los Addams este tipo de eventos son inolvidables.

Faked World por Kunay_dlz

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Desperté en la cama de un hospital. Colapso nervioso dijo mamá, tanto estrés del trabajo dijo papá, como les contesté a sus preguntas, no comí, me empapé en mis fluidos, el médico les recomendó internarme en una clínica especializada en brindar ayuda psiquiátrica. Mis padres aceptaron, dijeron que necesitaba ayuda y que podría descansar todo lo que quisiera mientras ellos se hacían cargo de la empresa. Seguían hablando y hablando y mencionaron a los que estaban de luna de miel, dejé de prestarles atención, miré a la nada, luego cerré los ojos.



UNKNOWN por RoronoaD-Grace

Todos los publicos; Reviews56

A Aomine le gustaban las mujeres y sus sensuales curvas. Sin embargo, amaneció en la misma cama con un tipo al que no conocía. 

Kuroko no sabía que hacer para que Akashi se fijara en él, se preguntaba si debía continuar intentándolo o solo rendirse.








—Y más.