Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español
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Souls Love por NeoTheSabertooth

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

La pelea contra el traidor Souske Aizen había acabado, durante la batalla
habían acabado gravemente heridos varios capitanes y tenientes, no obstante,
sus heridas sanaban por lo que se esperaba prontamente que se recuperaran,
se podía creer que todo estaba bien pero no era así, una baja había, la teniente
del quinto escuadrón Momo Hinamori había muerto ¿la causa? Su corazón
atravesado por una espada. Una trágica muerte que ocasiono la culpa en Toshiro Hitsugaya, capitán del
décimo escuadrón, quien le ataco con su espada al estar bajo la hipnosis de
kyoka suigetsu, invadido por la culpa en su escritorio una carta que decía por
fuera "renuncia", necesitaba escapar, irse de la sociedad de almas, cegado por
impotencia y tristeza decide ir hacia el único lugar donde podría buscar
consuelo, la ciudad Karakura donde su antiguo capitán convivía junto a su
hijo el shinigami sustito, Kurosaki Ichigo ¿Podrá sanar las heridas de la guerra?
¿perdonarse y darse cuenta que no fue su culpa? El tiempo solo dirá lo
que sucederá ahora en la casa de la familia Kurosaki con la llegada de un i
nvitado que nadie esperaba.

El precio de una vida mejor por Susaku ShunKuraKai

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Cuando posees un talento innato que deseas dar a conocer al mundo, pero más adelante sientes que lo que pasa a tu alrededor se desmorona; haciéndote sentir atrapado, hay que tener cuidado con quien te metes porque las ilusiones de una vida mejor y el reconocimiento se pueden volver una pesadilla que te cobrará factura más adelante.

¿Podrá el amor salvarte cuando crees haber perdido todas tus esperanzas? eso se descubrirá solo durante la lectura de este fic n.- 

Dejame volar a tu lado por Alvaro_S

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Este es otra de mis historias que he hecho y la voy a subir aqui por que por que no, es Isamira, ship de encanto.

Buen, Buen Chico por Sady

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

.Minato sueña con Naruto.


MinaNaru. Oneshot. Parte 2 de Buen Chico.

Destino o Casualidad por Liss83

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Dos corazones solitarios, la banca de un parque solitario en mitad de la noche, la luna complice y…

Algunas veces por Jesskebede

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Algunas veces la vida es un completo misterio, donde nos ha dado tanto y nos a mantenido de una forma fiel, a un estilo de vida que un pequeño cambio hace que todo colapse. 

Deseo compartir mi vida contigo por Susaku ShunKuraKai

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Han transcurrido seis años de que finalizó el desafío contra BEGA y desde ese entonces todos los equipos participantes ya se separaron y han cumplido con varios de sus proyectos personales.

Pero hay cuatro de ellos en especial en los que ha nacido la idea de cumplir una meta que corresponde a su edad y que va de acuerdo a sus ideas: casarse; pero no con cualquier persona, pues los cuatro desean casarse con Kai.

Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que el bicolor hace cinco años formalizó un noviazgo con Yuriy.

¿Cómo reaccionarán sus pretendientes al conocer la noticia?

¿Lo aceptarán? o no caerán sin dar pelea

¿La integridad de alguien estará en peligro con tal de lograr lo que otro quiere?

¿Estará en riesgo una amistad de años por cumplir un deseo?

Incógnitas que este fanfic puede resolver nwnU 

Quiero aclarar que utilizaré los nombres originales de los personajes para mi fanfic (aunque muchos ya los han de conocer y además para que no se les haga raro si leen nombres distintos), y aunque no los vaya a utilizar en mi fanfic todo el tiempo de más no está que los mencione:

-Takao Kinomiya es Tyson Granger

-Max Mizuhara es Max Tate

-Kyojyu es El jefe

-Hitoshi Kinomiya es Hiro

-Hiromi Tachibana es Hillary Tachibana

-Lai Chou es Lee

-Mao Chou es Mariah

-Kiki es Kevin

-Gao Tao es Gary

-Mihael es Miguel 

-Boris Kuzneskov es Bryan 

-Sergei es Spencer

-Iván es Ian

-el señor Daitenji es el señor Dickenson

-los Baihuzu son los White Tiger X

-la Sangre F es la Dinastía F

-el modo correcto para referirse a los beyluchadores es simplemente bladers

Fuck off, boy [ JiKook ] por LadyTroubles

No menores de 18 años; Reviews5

-Disculpa, hyung ¿podríamos hablar un segundo? -Su voz detuvo la charla que tenía con Hoseok en ese momento.
Sus amigos reían detrás de él, un par de mesas alejados y yo realmente no podía creer que esto justamente esté pasandome a mi.

-Me gustas mucho, y quería saber si gustarías salir conmigo.

-Vete a la mierda, niño. No molestes. -Para colmo, en lugar de recibir la reacción que esperaba, él simplemente sonrió de medio lado y las risas de sus amigos aumentaron.

Ahora sí que estaba jodido.

Punk!Jimin, FuckBoy!Junkook AU
Historia completamente mía.
Prohibido adaptar.

Uzumaki por Mors Tinea

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Perderlo todo, que tu nombre salga en los medios, que lo que construiste se caiga a pedazos por un error, por las garras de un monstruo de una noche.

Eso mismo fue lo que le pasó a Ruki y ahora solo quedan dos opciones, o recoger su miserable ser y seguir adelante o aferrarse al hombre que le estaba dando la oportunidad de sanar sus heridas

Principal: Kai/Ruki

Secundaria: Uruha/Ruki

El remate de una gran aventura. por Dark Bit

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Lara Croft ha superado el reto de superar a un culto que quería convertir a su mejor amiga, Samantha Nishimura, en el recipiente para que reencarnara Himiko.

Sin embargo. Tras haberla salvado, siente que algo falta. El remate definitivo y perfecto para una gran aventura.

Fanfic oneshot sumamente corto. Que creo que se denominan drabbles. Pasa a leerlo. Te tomará nada de tiempo. ^-^

gohotcontent por tcontent

No menores de 10 años; Reviews0

Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.Jenna Bush Hager jokes that she's "not Martha Stewart" in the kitchen, but her habitual of creating the same food for her own family every week facilitates hold matters grounded, she instructed to human beings in a cowl tale for the modern problem.


seo consultant

Tío Minho por Ari_123_love

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

A veces la vida rutinaria es más que perfección. Un buen trabajo, una gran casa, amigos, una relación estable de varios años con el ser que más lo comprende y quiere en el mundo. ¿Qué más puede pedir? No hay absolutamente nada en su vida que cambiaría, así perfecta y tranquila. 


¿Entonces por hay alguien tocando a su puerta a las cuatro de la mañana? ¿Por qué hay un bebé en su pórtico? ¿Y por qué tiene que jugar a ser el detective para resolver este misterio?



thearticlesolutions por lutions1

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.
it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.it's miles adequate to sanitise your toothbrush with boiling water. make sure that nobody else in the family shares your toothbrush whether or not one is unwell or not. a toothbrush is personal and ought to by no means be shared.


eCommerce website and directories

Castigo Divino por Mascayeta

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Cuenta la leyenda que Zeus castigó al rey de Licosura convirtiendo en un lobo a él y a sus cuarenta y nueve hijos varones.

Hoy en día ese linaje convive con la humanidad, son considerados leyenda y temidos por su supuesta ansia de sangre.  No obstante, la madre de Arcas, Calisto ha designado el momento y el artífice de su salvación, una profecía que se cumplirá solo si pueden evitar que el Elegido muera.

Una historia más allá del Omegaverse y el Fanfic.

Los personajes pertenecen a  Shungiku Nakamura (Junjou Romantica y Sekaiichi Hatsukoi)
Louis Moriarty pertenece a Yuukoku no Moriarty de Ryosuke Takeuchi.

Lágrimas Carmesí por Lyanna

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1

Voldermort gano, no habia nada mas que decir, nada mas que hacer.

No tienen recursos, ya no queda gente para luchar, los superan en numero. Ya no hay nada que puedan hacer mas que esconderse y rogar por que no los encuentren...

O tal vez aun tengan una oportunidad, no aqui donde ya se a perdido todo... pero en el pasado que aun no esta definido el ganador, ahi aun tendrian una oportunidad.

¿Pero quien iria?¿Quien arriesgaria su vida?

 Y si pudieran hacerlo

¿Que tan seguros estarian de que seria su pasado, su realidad a la que estarian yendo?

¿Y si no hubiera manera de cambiar el pasado? Lo hecho, hecho esta. No hay manera de cambiar algo que ya se hizo, lo mas cerca de cambiar las cosas seria en una realidad distinta, donde nada haya ocurrido todavia.

La profundidad de nuestra mirada. por I am Blue

Todos los publicos; Reviews0
Resumen: En la ciudad tranquila de Sídney, dos chicos diferentes y más parecidos de lo que creen, Minyung y Lenya, deciden compartir un libro al quererlo ambos al no haber más copias disponibles. Lenya le subraya oraciones y le hace preguntas, Minyung se las devuelve, así creando un ambiente cómodo, confidente e íntimo, alejados de las miradas juzgadoras. Y quizás y solo quizás, se dejen secretos escondidos entre las páginas, mensajes de ayuda, indirectas. Dudas, miedo al rechazo, amor, y problemas difíciles de afrontar y de superar, dos cursos restantes antes de ir a la universidad y no saber qué hacer en el futuro, parejas, y mucho más. ¿Te atreves a descubrirlo? Escenas absurdas, tensión sexual, parejas secundarias y más. »Solamente quiero ser yo, ¿tan malo es?» Pensó para sí.

(También publicada en Wattpad con el mismo nombre ^^)

Baile por endora

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Aziraphale disfruta de una noche en Londres, el primer baile de la temporada. Crowley solo quiere pasar un momento con el ángel.

Aziraphale x Crowley

Good Omens

Etéreo por endora

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Un llamado en el bosque entre dos almas.

Georges x Alexandre

Las amistades particulares

El amigo de mi hermano por endora

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Gerard conoce a Frank el amigo de Mikey con quién se muda a Nueva York para cursar la universidad, este chico desatará en él sentimientos que hasta ese momento no le habían pertenecido a nadie más.


My Chemical Romance

Abismo Profundo por endora

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Gerard está en el pub donde su hermano trabaja de mesero y la banda de Frank está tocando.


My Chemical Romance